Answers for Life | Five Disciplines

Episode 3 | Answers for Life

The American Church has been in decline for years. The protestant church in America continues to lose ground. The Southern Baptist Convention peaked in the 50’s. Today on Answers for Life, Pastor Shelly shares five factors, or disciplines, that he believes the American church and individuals within the American church has overlooked which has led to this decline. The five disciplines are intended to be used as a personal evaluation in your own personal walk with Christ.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Podcast Sources:

Platt, D. (2017). Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Age. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, the nonfiction imprint of Tyndale House.

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