Who we are
We are a Gospel-centered, multigenerational Church seeking to reach our community with the gospel.
We are focused outside the church with over 25 Gospel-centered ministries to reach our community for Jesus. We are staff-led and committee-run, with Jesus as our head.
Meet Our Pastor
Dr. Shelly Chandler
Dr. Shelly Chandler has been our pastor for over 23 years. During that time, he has prayerfully started ministries like the F.A.R.M. and 24:7, our men's and women’s recovery ministries, our free health clinic, Jail Ministry, and many more gospel-centered ministries. He is passionate about walking with Christ, sharing the gospel, and loving those around him.
Meet the Team
Dr. Shelly Chandler
Senior Pastor
Alex Dickerman
Executive Pastor
Louis Kathman
Worship Pastor
Noah Wagner
NextGen + Missions Pastor
Oswaldo Saavadra
Spanish Pastor
Anthony Bradshaw
Building Superintendent
Danniela Cerada
Chruch Secretary
Dennis Sims
Family Life Center Director
Kim Drummond
Executive Assistant
Kristen Rushing
Children’s Director
Nancy Riley
Prayer Ministry Coordinator
Poca Mae Hatcher
Care Ministry Coordinator