Answers for Life | Special Guest: Kristin Baker

Ep 15 | Answers for Life

This week, we sat down with Kristin Baker, the director of the Holmes County Pregnancy and Family Center, to discuss all of the options that a young girl has when they find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. There are many options and the Holmes County Pregnancy and Family Center desires to sit and listen and love you, empower you with all of the information need to make whatever decision you feel is best, and to help and support you and your child long-term. Their services to you are completely free. There is a stigma that says that Christians only care about the baby and preventing abortion and they care nothing about the mother. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While we do care about your child and desire to see that baby loved and cared for, we also love and support the mothers and fathers no matter the decision they make.

The Holmes County Pregnancy and Family Center also provides free counseling for you, your spouse, your children, and your family. Whether you have dealt with trauma, are overwhelmed, of you feel depressed of distressed, there is a counselor to talk to 24/7.