Answers for Life | Special Guest: David Burton (Part 2)

Ep 12 | Answers for Life

This is Part 2 of our conversation with David Burton. This week we are pleased to be joined by long-time evangelist and friend David Burton. David Burton joins Pastor Shelly and Noah to answer the difficult question: “Why is the church in 2021 not engaging in evangelism.”

David Burton has been in ministry and engaging in evangelism for nearly 50 years. He is the founder of David Burton Ministries.



Answers for Life | Special Guest: David Burton (Part 1)

Ep 11 | Answers for Life

This week we are pleased to be joined by long-time evangelist and friend David Burton. David Burton joins Pastor Shelly and Noah to answer the difficult question: “Why is the church in 2021 not engaging in evangelism.”

David Burton has been in ministry and engaging in evangelism for nearly 50 years. He is the founder of David Burton Ministries.



Answers for Life | Prayer

Ep 10 | Answers for Life

After a short break, we are back with Season 2 of Answers for Life! This week on the Podcast, host Noah Wagner and Pastor Shelly Chandler answer the question, “What does it mean when we pray?” The two also discuss what its means when believers forget to or refuse to pray to God. This week’s podcast is a great reminder that God is on the throne and in control and we must acknowledge who He is. There is no better way to start off 2021 than with a discussion on prayer.

Answers for Life | Special Guest: Alex Pecina

Ep 9 | Answers for Life

This week on Answers for Life, Noah and Shelly are joined by a Church Planter from South Florida—Alex Pecina. Alex is the planter and pastor of Summit Church of Homestead. Alex takes us through his testimony, his church, and how our church and others can support his and other church planters in their ministry. Find Summit Church on their website—— and on Facebook—Summit Church of Homestead.

Answers for Life | What is the Gospel?

Ep 8 | Answers for Life

What is the Gospel? You’ve heard it in most church services, “Repent and Believe the Gospel,” or, “Share the Gospel to the Nations.” But what is the gospel? Why do you need to believe the gospel? How do we share the gospel? This week Pastor Shelly and Noah Wagner unpack the gospel in a way that is both informative and easy to remember.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Answers for Life | Daily Devotion

Ep 7 | Answers for Life

Do you spend time daily with God? What is a devotion and what should my daily time with God consist of? Many have asked us: What is a daily and devotion? Others ask: Why don’t I hear from God? Today, Pastor Shelly Chandler and Noah Wagner seek to answer the questions that many new and long-time Christians have asked. Spending time with God should be a daily habit and is necessary for the spiritual nourishment of believers. To have a consistent devotion time it must be planned; You must have a place; You need to have a time of prayer and communication with God; and the devotion must have a purpose.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Podcast Sources:

Answers for Life | The Laws of Spirituality

Ep 6 | Answers for Life

We do not at all claim to be scientists, but this week we take a peak at Newton’s 3 Laws of Physics and look at the biblical and spiritual ramifications of these physical laws. 1.) A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force. 2.) The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object times its acceleration. F=ma. 3.) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Podcast Sources:

Answers for Life | When Temptation Comes

Episode 5 | Answers for Life

Every person faces temptation throughout their life. What are the Scriptural truths behind the temptations we face? Where does temptation come from? What does Scripture about our fight with temptation? Today Pastor Shelly Chandler and Noah Wagner look at five scriptural truths concerning temptation as well as five weapons that we have in our arsenal to face temptation.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

1. A relationship with God

2. The Word of God

3. Prayer

4. The people of God

5. Setting up boundaries

Answers for Life | State of Theology

Episode 4 | Answers for Life

A recent study was conducted by Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway to determine the theological state of America. “What do Americans think about Jesus Christ, the Bible, truth, and ethics? Ligonier Ministries’ State of Theology survey provides insights.” Today on Answers for Life, Host Noah Wagner and Pastor Shelly Chandler unpack this survey, look at the state of America, and consider how Secular Humanism has infected the American Church.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Podcast Sources:

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Answers for Life | Five Disciplines

Episode 3 | Answers for Life

The American Church has been in decline for years. The protestant church in America continues to lose ground. The Southern Baptist Convention peaked in the 50’s. Today on Answers for Life, Pastor Shelly shares five factors, or disciplines, that he believes the American church and individuals within the American church has overlooked which has led to this decline. The five disciplines are intended to be used as a personal evaluation in your own personal walk with Christ.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Podcast Sources:

Platt, D. (2017). Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Age. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale Momentum, the nonfiction imprint of Tyndale House.

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