Answers for Life | Sacrificial Giving

Ep 22 | Sacrificial Giving

Season 3 is here! How much does Jesus expect me to give? This week Noah and Pastor Shelly seek scripture and look at the teaching about the widow in Luke 21 to see an example for our own lives concerning the discipline of Sacrificial Giving.

  1. Sacrificial Giving is motivated by our Love for God.

  2. Sacrificial Giving is calculated by our Faith in God.

  3. Sacrificial Giving is accomplished by our Commitment to God.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Answers for Life | Christmas Edition

Ep 21 | Answers for Life

Merry Christmas! We hope you have a blessed time worshipping our Savior this year. In this Christmas edition, Pastor Shelly and Noah take a look at a character in the birth narrative that often gets overlook—Herod the Great. This man was an evil and unrepentant man who encountered Jesus. This reveals the heart of those who reject Jesus and have unrepentant lives.

What happens when Evil and unrepentant people encounter Christ?

  1. They Reject the Word of God (Matthew 2:1-6)

  2. They Hide their heart (Matthew 2:7-8)

  3. They Refuse to accept Jesus as king (Matthew 2:16-18)

  4. They Die (Matthew 2:19a)

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Answers for Life | Thanksgiving Edition

Ep 20 | Answers for Life

As we approach the Holidays, now is a great time to begin reflecting on all that you are thankful for, but what is your thankfulness tied to? Is your thankfulness dependent upon your circumstance? Your material possessions? Your friends or family? Or is your thankfulness tied to the eternal gospel? This week, Pastor Shelly and Noah explore what the Bible says about being truly thankful.

  1. True thankfulness is not tied to circumstance (Job 1:21; Phil 4:11-13; 1 these 5:15-18)

  2. True thankfulness is not tied to material blessings (Phil 3:14-19; Matt 6:19-21, 24)

  3. True thankfulness is not tied to people (Phil 1:3; 1 Corinthians 1:4; Romans 3:23; Romans 3:10)

  4. True thankfulness is tied to the eternal gospel (Romans 5:8; Romans 6:23; 1 John 4:9; 1 John 3:1; Hebrews 12:28-29; Hebrew 13:15-16)

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Answers for Life | Elements of a Gospel Witness

Ep 19 | Answers for Life

What. are the elements that make up a good gospel witness?

Have you ever caught yourself wondering how to approach someone with the gospel? This week on the podcast, Pastor Shelly and host, Noah Wagner look to the example of Jesus with his conversation at the woman at the well in John 4. Jesus demonstrates to us what are the core elements that make up a gospel witness.

  1. Our Approach (John 4:7-9)

  2. Our Actions (John 4:10-15)

  3. Our Attitude (John 4:16-18)

  4. Our Appeal (John 4:19-26)

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

If you haven’t yet, listen to the following previous episodes.

What is the Gospel? -

How to transition into the gospel? -

What is accomplished when we pray for the Lost? -

Answers for Life | Praying for the Lost

Ep 18 | Answers for Life

Have you ever asked the question—What is accomplished when we pray for the Lost? This week, Pastor Shelly and Noah Wagner dive into prayer and the role of prayer in the life of the lost. We all have people that we have that we are praying for who are not saved but what role does prayer have. We dive into the four works of the Holy Spirit that occur when we pray for the lost.

  1. Our hearts line up with God’s heart for the lost

  2. Prayer releases the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of the unbeliever

  3. Prayer attacks the power of darkness in the life of the unbeliever

  4. Prayer opens the eyes of the spiritually blind

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.


Answers for Life | A Great Commission Church

Ep 17| Answers for Life

WE ARE BACK!!! After taking a short break over the summer, we are back for Answer for Life.

This week we ask a simple but necessary question: What does a Great Commission Church look like? We all want to be considered a church who prioritizes the Great Commission. This week Pastor Shelly and Noah break down what Scripture says about what a Great Commission Church looks like.

Acts 11:19-30

A Great Commission Church is Gospel-Centered.

A Great Commission Church is Grace-Centered.

A Great Commission Church is Disciple-Centered.

A Great Commission Church is Ministry-Centered.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Answers for Life | Southern Baptist Convention

Ep 16 | Answers for Life

What exactly happened at the Southern Baptist Convention?

In this Podcast, Noah and Pastor Shelly discuss what were the important takeaways from the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention that occurred June 14-15, 2021. Despite what the media may be attempting to portray, the atmosphere of the SBC was incredibly compassionate and unified and SBC messengers made it blatantly clear that we stand against abortion, against racism, completely with the innerant Word of God as the only source to address all issues that we face face. Additionally, Southern Baptist stood united and overwhelmingly embraced the Vision 2025 that was cast by Ronnie Floyd of the Executive Commitee.


Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Answers for Life | Special Guest: Kristin Baker

Ep 15 | Answers for Life

This week, we sat down with Kristin Baker, the director of the Holmes County Pregnancy and Family Center, to discuss all of the options that a young girl has when they find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. There are many options and the Holmes County Pregnancy and Family Center desires to sit and listen and love you, empower you with all of the information need to make whatever decision you feel is best, and to help and support you and your child long-term. Their services to you are completely free. There is a stigma that says that Christians only care about the baby and preventing abortion and they care nothing about the mother. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While we do care about your child and desire to see that baby loved and cared for, we also love and support the mothers and fathers no matter the decision they make.

The Holmes County Pregnancy and Family Center also provides free counseling for you, your spouse, your children, and your family. Whether you have dealt with trauma, are overwhelmed, of you feel depressed of distressed, there is a counselor to talk to 24/7.

Answers for Life | Biblical Marriage

Ep 14 | Answers for Life

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Our Answers for Life host, Noah Wagner, just got married! This week, he and Pastor Shelly look at the marriage ceremony of Noah and his wife, Deanna, and look at the connection between a biblical marriage and a biblical salvation. We are the bride of Christ, and it’s no coincidence that God established marriage as a reflection of our relationship with Christ. Tune in for a great podcast that speaks to both married and single individuals as we break down our salvation in light of what the Bible says about Marriage.

  1. Charity

  2. Commitment

  3. Christ

Answers for Life | Special Guest: Seth Swindle

Ep 13 | Answers for Life

We are once again joined by a special guest! Seth Swindle is a long-time First Baptist Bonifay church member turned missionary. Seth serves as the director of Campus Expansion for Filter of Hope, a humanitarian and gospel organization with the simple mission of “Bringing clean water and Christ’s love to those in desperate need of both.” Filter of Hope has provided filters to areas all of the globe, and every day, more than 85,000 filters produce up to 20 million gallons of clean drinking water for families in 65 countries.

Seth shares with us about Filter of Hope, how he became involved in the ministry, and how churches and individuals can partner with Filter of Hope to provide the gospel to people who desperately need it.

Pastor Shelly Chandler is the pastor of First Baptist Bonifay in Bonifay, FL, located in the panhandle of Florida. Pastor Shelly has been pastor of FBB for nearly 18 years.

Hosted by Noah Wagner, Associate Pastor of Youth and Media at First Baptist Bonifay.

Podcast Sources: